Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fit Inc @ Go Guide

See our latest article in Go Guide

Weighty Women

Many women have a fear about weight training they seem to believe if they lift anything heavier than a bag of sugar they will develop unsightly huge bulging muscles.
The truth is this is highly unlikely.

Firstly building muscle is very difficult, it takes time and dedication with a well thought out workout plan and nutrition plan, even the most gifted bodybuilders struggle to develop as much muscle as they would like.

Second, women lack the main building hormone for muscles which is testosterone.
There is a lot of research done on this topic. What they have found is weight training can actually give the appearance of smaller muscles.

A major benefit is the more muscle mass you have the higher the bodies metabolic rate therefore freeing fat from your body to fuel the energy demand. In turn women should and can lift heavy.

So put those sugar bags down ladies and lift some real weight.

Ryan Stewart

Personal Trainer