Friday, September 14, 2012

recipe for abs!

Everyone would love a 6 pack of rock solid abs but the fact is, performing abdominal exercises such as sit ups only strengthens and firms up the rectus abdominis muscle, more commonly known as the 'six-pack'. Doing these exercises is good as they will give you strong abdominal muscles but will do nothing to reduce the amount of fat on your stomach.

Abdominal fat is present because of too much food intake and the only way to get rid of belly fat and get those eye popping abs is to burn of the fat with a balanced diet and exercise.

Here is an example of a day food plan you should be eating to lower fat:


One tall glass of a homemade smoothie.

Homemade smoothie
1 cup 1% milk
2 tablespoons low-fat vanilla yogurt
¾ cup instant oatmeal, nuked in water
2 teaspoons peanut butter
2 teaspoons chocolate whey powder

Snack #1
2 teaspoons peanut butter, raw vegetables (as much as you want)

Turkey or roast beef sandwich on whole-grain bread, 1 cup 1% or fat-free milk, 1 apple

Snack #2
1 ounce almonds, 1½ cups berries

Mas Macho Meatballs
1 pound extra-lean ground beef
½ cup crushed saltine crackers
1 large onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed or whey powder
1 jar (16 ounces) tomato sauce
4 whole-wheat hoagie rolls
½ cup reduced-fat mozzarella cheese, shredded

Snack #3

Ryan Stewart
Personal Trainer

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Rotator Cuff

The rotator cuff is a very important group of muscles found in the back of the shoulder coming from the shoulder blade to the shoulder joint. They are important for posture, stability and movement of the shoulder and comprise of the teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis.

A lot of injuries occur due to ignorance of these four muscles and any athletes or gym goers should become familiar with them not just to prevent shoulder injuries but to increase performance too. If you are looking to do any sort of isolation exercises then it should be rotator cuff exercises.

Good shoulder health will help performance in other exercises and sports from bench press to tennis. Working the rotator cuff will strengthen the shoulder girdle making it more stable and will aid anyone looking to lift more on the bench, shoulder press and other upper body exercises. It will also improve posture especially with those who have over worked the ‘mirror muscles’ thus improving rounding of the shoulders making the shoulders look wider and giving a bigger V shape as it helps to bring the shoulders back to their natural position.

Also along with improvements in shoulder stability exercising the rotator cuff will improve flexibility in the shoulder helping golfers, tennis players, javelin and most other team sports and individual sports where shoulder movements are demanding. Maintaining a flexible shoulder joint allows for greater range of movement over the joint therefore it can improve force whilst preventing injury.

Exercises for the rotator cuff are varied try these to take your body to the next level:

Swiss ball press up – place your hands on the Swiss ball shoulder width apart and take up the press up position, lower chest to ball keeping shoulders, hips and ankles in line then raise again.

Lateral Raise – holding dumbbells, if required, stand with arms by the sides thumbs facing body and palms facing backwards. Raise arms to shoulder level keeping pinkie finger facing the sky and thumb facing the ground then lower back to sides.

Lying Rotator Roll – lying on one side hold a dumbbell in hand of side facing ceiling, bend arm at elbow to ninety degrees and have wrist across front. Rotate arm at shoulder bringing hand up towards ceiling and keeping elbow in at side then lower.

Personal Trainer

Go Guide West Lothian and Fit Inc